West Virginia Secrets – Did you know?

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Underground Facilities – Bases – Tunnels

I have read about underground bases in the south western part of the United States, particularly Dulce, New Mexico and Nevada. I have also heard about underground tunnel system that run in mazes under the surface of the planet. Most people connect these tunnel with ET’s and covert government activities. There is allegedly exist cities built by different governments and those left behind by ancients who lived here thousands of years ago. We will probably never know the truth. As a remote viewer – I can tell you that many of these facilities do exist.

Mount Weather

Underground government bases also exist for various reasons. One of the them is nicknamed Mt. Weather and is just outside of Washington, DC. Mount Weather and Underground Bases.

Article about these bases:
Few Americans–indeed, few Congressional reps–are aware of the existence of Mount Weather, a mysterious underground military base carved deep inside a mountain near the sleepy rural town of Bluemont, Virginia, just 46 miles from Washington DC. Mount Weather –also known as the Western Virginia Office of Controlled Conflict Operations–is buried not just in hard granite, but in secrecy as well.

In March, 1976, The Progressive Magazine published an astonishing article entitled The Mysterious Mountain. The author, Richard Pollock, based his investigative report on Senate subcommittee hearings and upon “several off-the-record interviews with officials formerly associated with Mount Weather.” His report, and a 1991 article in Time Magazine entitled Doomsday Hideaway, supply a few compelling hints about what is going on underground.

Ted Gup, writing for Time, describes the base as follows: “Mount Weather is a virtually self-contained facility. Above ground, scattered across manicured lawns, are about a dozen buildings bristling with antennas and microwave relay systems. An on-site sewage-treatment plant, with a 90,000 gal.-a-day capacity, and two tanks holding 250,000 gal. of water could last some 200 people more than a month; underground ponds hold additional water supplies. Not far from the installation’s entry gate are a control tower and a helicopter pad. The mountain’s real secrets are not visible at ground level.”

The mountain’s “real secrets” are protected by warning signs, 10 foot-high chain link fences, razor wire, and armed guards. Curious motorists and hikers on the Appalachian trail are relieved of their sketching pads and cameras and sent on their way. Security is tight.

The government has owned the site since 1903; it has seen service as an artillery range, a hobo farm during the Depression, and a National Weather Bureau Facility. In 1936, the U.S. Bureau of Mines took control and started digging.

Mount Weather is virtually an underground city, according to former personnel interviewed by Pollock. Buried deep inside the earth, Mount Weather was equipped with such amenities as:

– private apartments and dormitories
– streets and sidewalks
– cafeterias and hospitals
– a water purification system, power plant and general office buildings
– a small lake fed by fresh water from underground springs – a transit system
– a TV communication system

Mount Weather is the self-sustaining underground command center for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The facility is the operational center – the hub – of approximately 100 other Federal Relocation Centers, most of which are concentrated in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland and North Carolina. Together this network of underground facilities constitutes the backbone of America’s “Continuity of Government” program. In the event of nuclear war, declaration of martial law, or other national emergency, the President, his cabinet and the rest of the Executive Branch would be “relocated” to Mount Weather.

What Does Congress Know about Mount Weather?

According to the Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights hearings in 1975, Congress has almost no knowledge and no oversight –budgetary or otherwise–on Mount Weather. Retired Air Force General Leslie W. Bray, in his testimony to the subcommittee, said “I am not at liberty to describe precisely what is the role and the mission and the capability that we have at Mount Weather, or at any other precise location.”

Apparently, this underground capital of the United States is a secret only to Congress and the US taxpayers who paid for it. The Russians know about it, as reported in Time: “Few in the U.S. government will speak of it, though it is assumed that all along the Soviets have known both its precise location and its mission (unlike the Congress, since Bray wouldn’t tell); defense experts take it as a given that the site is on the Kremlin’s targeting maps. ” The Russians attempted to buy real estate right next door, as a “country estate” for their embassy folks, but that deal was dead- ended by the State Department.

Mount Weather’s “Government-in-Waiting”:

Pollock’s report, based on his interviews with former officials at Mount Weather, contains astounding information on the base’s personnel. The underground city contains a parallel government-in-waiting: “High- level Governmental sources, speaking in the promise of strictest anonymity, told me [Pollock] that each of the Federal departments represented at Mount Weather is headed by a single person on whom is conferred the rank of a Cabinet-level official. Protocol ven demands that subordinates address them as ‘Mr. Secretary.’ Each of the Mount Weather ‘Cabinet members’ is apparently appointed by the White House and serves an indefinite term … many through several Administrations. The facility attempts to duplicate the vital functions of the Executive branch of the Administration.”

Nine Federal departments are replicated within Mount Weather (Agriculture; Commerce; Health, Education & Welfare; Housing & Urban Development; Interior; Labor; State; Transportation; and Treasurey) as well as at least five Federal agencies (Federal Communications Commission, Selective Service, Federal Power Commission, Civil Service Commission, and the Veterans Administration). The Federal Reserve and the U.S. Post Office, both private corporations, also have offices in Mount Weather.

Pollock writes that the “cabinet members” are “apparently” appointed by the White House and serve an indefinite term, but that information cannot be confirmed, raising the further question of who holds the reins on this “back-up government.” Furthermore, appointed Mount Weather officials hold their positions through several elected administrations, transcending the time their appointers spend in office. Unlike other presidential nominees, these apppointments are made without the public advice or consent of the Senate.

Is there an alternative President and Vice President as well? If so, who appoints them? Pollock says only this: “As might be expected, there is also an Office of the Presidency at Mount Weather. The Federal Preparedness Agency (precursor to FEMA) apparently appoints a special staff to the Presidential section, which regularly receives top secret national security estimates and raw data from each of the Federal departments and agencies. What Do They Do At Mount Weather?

1) Collect Data on American Citizens

The Senate Subcommittee in 1975 learned that the “facility held dossiers on at least 100,000 Americans. [Senator] John Tunney later alleged that the Mount Weather computers can obtain millions of pieces of additional information on the personal lives of American citizens simply by tapping the data stored at any of the other ninety-six Federal Relocation Centers.”

The subcommittee concluded that Mount Weather’s databases “operate with few, if any, safeguards or guidelines.”

2) Store Necessary Information

The Progressive article detailed that “General Bray gave Tunney’s subcommittee a list of the categories of files maintained at Mount Weather: military installations, government facilities, communications, transportation, energy and power, agriculture, manufacturing, wholesale and retail services, manpower, financial, medical and educational institutions, sanitary facilities, population, housing shelter, and stockpiles.” This massive database fits cleanly into Mount Weather’s ultimate purpose as the command center in the event of a national emergency.

3) Play War Games

This is the main daily activity of the approximately 240 people who work at Mount Weather. The games are intended to train the Mount Weather bureaucracy to managing a wide range of problems associated with both war and domestic political crises.

Decisions are made in the “Situation Room,” the base’s nerve center, located in the core of Mount Weather.

The Situation Room is the archetypal war room, with “charts, maps and whatever visuals may be needed” and “batteries of communications equipment connecting Mount Weather with the White House and ‘Raven Rock’– the underground Pentagon sixty miles north of Washington–as well as with almost every US military unit stationed around the globe,” according to the Progressive article. “All internal communications are conducted by closed-circuit color television … senior officers and ‘Cabinet members’ have two consoles recessed in the walls of their office.”

Descriptions of the war games read a bit like a Ian Fleming novel. Every year there is a system-wide alert that “includes all military and civilian-run underground installations.” The real, aboveground President and his Cabinet members are “relocated” to Mount Weather to observe the simulation. Post-mortems are conducted and the margins for error are calculated after the games. All the data is studied and documented.

4) Civil Crisis Management

Mount Weather personnel study more than war scenarios. Domestic “crises” are also tracked and watched, and there have been times when Mount Weather almost swung into action, as Pollock reported: “Officials who were at Mount Weather during the 1960s say the complex was actually prepared to assume certain governmental powers at the time of the 1961 Cuban missile crisis and the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963. The installation used the tools of its ‘Civil Crisis Management’ program on a standby basis during the 1967 and 1968 urban riots and during a number of national antiwar demonstrations, the sources said.”

In its 1974 Annual Report, the Federal Preparedness Agency stated that “Studies conducted at Mount Weather involve the control and management of domestic political unrest where there are material shortages (such as food riots) or in strike situations where the FPA determines that there are industrial disruptions and other domestic resource crises.”

The Mount Weather facility uses a vast array of resources to continually monitor the American people. According to Daniel J. Cronin, former assistant director for the FPA, Reconnaissance satellites, local and state police intelligence reports, and Federal law enforcement agencies are just a few of the resources available to the FPA [now FEMA] for information gathering. “We try to monitor situations and get to them before they become emergencies,” Cronin said. “No expense is spared in the monitoring program.”

5) Maintain and Update the “Survivors List”

Using all the data generated by the war games and domestic crisis scenarios, the facility continually maintains and updates a list of names and addresses of people deemed to be “vital” to the survival of the nation, or who can “assist essential and non-interruptible services.” In the 1976 article, the “survivors list” contained 6,500 names, but even that was deemed to be low. Who Pays for All This, and How Much?

At the same time tens of millions of dollars were being spent on maintaining and upgrading the complex to protect several hundred designated officials in the event of nuclear attack, the US government drastically reduced its emphasis on war preparedness for US citizens. A 1989 FEMA brochure entitled “Are You Prepared?” suggests that citizens construct makeshift fallout shelters using used furniture, books, and other common household items.

Officially, Mount Weather (and its budget) does not exist. FEMA refuses to answer inquiries about the facility; as FEMA spokesman Bob Blair told Time magazine, “I’ll be glad to tell you all about it, but I’d have to kill you afterward.”

We don’t know how much Mount Weather has cost over the years, but of course, American taxpayers bear this burden as well. A Christian Science Monitor article entitled “Study Reveals US Has Spent $4 Trillion on Nukes Since ’45” reports that “The government devoted at least $12 billion to civil defense projects to protect the population from nuclear attack. But billions of dollars more were secretly spent on vast underground complexes from which civilian and military officials would run the government during a nuclear war.” What is Mount Weather’s Ultimate Purpose?

We have seen that Mount Weather contains an unelected, parallel “government-in-waiting” ready to take control of the United States upon word from the President or his successor. The facility contains a massive database of information on U.S. citizens which is operated with no safeguards or accountability. Ostensibly, this expensive hub of America’s network of sub-terran bases was designed to preserve our form of government during a nuclear holocaust.

But Mount Weather is not simply a Cold War holdover. Information on command and control strategies during national emergencies have largely been withheld from the American public. Executive Order 11051, signed by President Kennedy on October 2, 1962, states that “national preparedness must be achieved… as may be required to deal with increases in international tension with limited war, or with general war including attack upon the United States.”

However, Executive Order 11490, drafted by Gen. George A Lincoln (former director for the Office of Emergency Preparedness, the FPA’s predecessor) and signed by President Nixon in October 1969, tells a different story. EO 11490, which superceded Kennedy’s EO 11051, begins, “Whereas our national security is dependent upon our ability to assure continuity of government, at every level, in any national emergency type situation that might conceivably confront the nation.”

As researcher William Cooper points out, Nixon’s order makes no reference to “war,” “imminent attack,” or “general war.” These quantifiers are replaced by an extremely vague “national emergency type situation” that “might conceivably” interfere with the workings of the national power structure. Furthermore, there is no publicly known Executive Order outlining the restoration of the Constitution after a national emergency has ended. Unless the parallel government at Mount Weather does not decide out of the goodness of its heart to return power to Constitutional authority, the United States could experience an honest-to-God coup d’etat posing as a national emergency.

Like the enigmatic Area 51 in Nevada, the Federal government wants to keep the Mount Weather facility buried in secrecy. Public awareness of this place and its purpose would raise serious questions about who holds the reins of power in this country. The Constitution states that those reins lie in the hands of the people, but the very existence of Mount Weather indicates an entirely different reality. As long as Mount Weather exists, these questions will remain. Mount Weather’s Russian Twin.

By Patricia Neill

Matrix Editor Email


Reprinted from:



In the Event of Nuclear War, the American People would Perish, But the Officials of the State would be Protected
By Mike Allen,
Washington Post

WHITE SULPHER SPRINGS, WVA–The copies of Newsweek and Sports Illustrated, intended to entertain members of Congress while they waited out a nuclear holocaust, still come to a post office box here and are stacked on tables in what would have been the politicians’ bunker. The bunker’s kitchen is still used, but for gourmet cooking classes instead of for whipping up freeze-dried chicken a la king for 1,100.

Billy clubs are still stacked in the weapons vault. But instead of being used to ward off hapless civilians wanting to enter the exclusive quarters to escape the mushroom cloud, the nightsticks are props for photos. One of the deepest secrets of the Cold War, a federal bunker that for 30 years was hidden under the Greenbrier resort here in the Allegheny Mountains, now is a tourist attraction.

Jim Varner, an assistant principal at a local junior high school who moonlights as a bunker tour guide, wore a red polo shirt sporting the Greenbrier logo as he led a gaggle of visitors through the bunker one recent muggy afternoon. He stepped outside the 25-ton blast door — a Paul Bunyan sandwich of steel and cement that swings on 1,500-pound hinges. His guests were left inside the bunker, which always has filtered air of 72 degrees. “When this door shuts, contamination is imminent,” said Varner, 46. “You’re pretty well safe and secure. I’m either going to be sick or dying here in a few moments.”

The apocalyptic mission seems alien to the gracious Greenbrier, a time capsule of juleps and cotillions where, a brochure says, guests can “expect to be treated royally, as ladies and gentlemen should be treated.” The resort, which is six miles from the Virginia line, dates back 220 years and once functioned as the summer capital of the South. Plantation owners escaped heat and smallpox, their wives lounged in the hot mineral baths and their teenage children courted. Bought in 1910 by the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway and now owned by its successor, CSX Corp., the Greenbrier has a history of government cooperation. At the beginning of World War II, the resort was used as an internment center for German diplomats. Later, the Army turned the entire hotel into a hospital.

The fallout shelter, which opened in 1961, is carved into a hillside that houses a wing of the hotel. Known as the Government Relocation Center, the bunker had the eerie purpose of housing the 535 members of Congress and about 565 staff members to “permit the continuation of the American form of constitutional government in the event of nuclear war.”

“Our country asked us to do something extraordinary and our company didn’t question it,” said Ted J. Kleisner, president and managing director of The Greenbrier, who learned the secret after he joined the resort in 1980 and was granted a federal security clearance. The three-story bunker cost the Defense Department $10 million to build. The warren of 153 rooms included dormitories, an operating room and a television studio with a backdrop of the U.S. Capitol, for broadcasting to anyone who might be left on the outside. A power plant could provide electricity for 1,100 people for 40 days. Food for 60 days, rotated for freshness, was stacked along the walls of the 400-foot tunnel to daylight.

“Danger — High Voltage” signs outside deterred the curious. The 60 Greenbrier employees who worked in the bunker had to sign secrecy agreements. The generators were tested every Wednesday from 1 to 4 AM, when few people would hear them or see the exhaust, which was piped 240 feet into the woods. For 30 years the ruse worked. “If someone asked about the rumors, we’d just say, ‘Oh, you must mean our magnificent Presidential Suite,'” Kleisner said.

Then in 1992, a story in The Washington Post magazine blew the cover with a precise description that had been stitched together from the whispered recollections of construction workers, former hotel workers, and local officials. The federal government immediately canceled its lease and began shuttering the bunker. In 1995, The Greenbrier began offering tours to guests at the hotel, where a standard room runs $410 a night. This summer, for the first time, the bunker is open to anyone who wants to shell out $25.

Mary Agnes McGannon, 86, a retired accountant from Washington on Varner’s tour, was relieved when she had finished the 90-minute flashback to the days of duck-and-cover. “We never dreamed such a place existed,” she said. “It’s awesome — and eerie. The money they spent to save our officials. What about the little people?” But Blake Bowling, a 12-year-old from Fayetteville, W.Va., thought the underground capital was cool. “A whole lot of famous people would have come to West Virginia!”

At today’s Greenbrier , the lobby has a dress code (“Gentlemen: Coats or attractive golf sweaters during daytime; coats and ties at 6 PM”), and the spa offers indulgences that include Swiss showers, Scotch sprays and Swedish massages. In case of detonation, Congress could not have expected quite the same coddling. Lawmakers would enter through a decontamination room with a dozen shower nozzles on the wall and three on the ceiling. The fleeing officials would be given Army fatigues, white deck shoes and a bag with a toothbrush, toothpaste, hair tonic and — for the tense days ahead — two kinds of deodorant.

The bunk beds were straight out of basic training, with four people sharing each locker. Showers were open, although a women’s bay with curtains was added as Congress became increasingly co-ed. Bodies of those who might have been fatally contaminated before entering the bunker would be stored temporarily in coffin-shaped wooden boxes labeled “Spare Parts.” If the bunker were locked down long, the remains would be cremated in the garbage incinerator. Even at such a dark hour, The Greenbrier aimed to play the perfect host. “We’d gather their ashes and later we’d scatter them on the golf course,” Varner said. “They’d be very happy there, eternally. We’d make sure of that.”

SOURCE: This article is a reprint from the Sunday, 24 August, 1997 edition of the Los Angeles Times, derived from the Washington Post, by Mike Allen. This article is reprinted here because it is in the national interest of the American people.
(WFI EDITOR: What nerve, the CSX Corp. claiming to be doing its patriotic duty, as an act of selfless service, by creating this secret bunker! Collaborating with a police state is hardly a patriotic act! Additionally, what compensation was paid to The Greenbrier. Only a fool would actually believe that an American industrial corporation would cooperate to such an extent without substantial cash consideration. Of course, the amount is probably a Cold War secret, classified secret so that no one can find out how much the CSX Corp. received, making it willing to perform “something extraordinary… without question” for the nation; but then we must ask, what national interest was served by the construction of this bunker? The politicians incite a nuclear holocaust, the consequences of which they are buffered from, while the whole American people is evaporated. Is that really a strategy for victory? If the American people were all dead, who would the members of Congress represent? And finally, considering the fact that at that late date the Congress would exist as literally the captives of the military, with no further elections possible, who is actually in control? The Pentagon, of course, the only department of the Federal Government that predates the foundation of the Federal Government.)

Published in: on February 29, 2008 at 4:46 pm  Comments (9)  
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West Virginia Roads Part 3

It’s getting better! Mud-sledding with your car, anyone? And they call us hillbillies. But I bet all you “city slickers” would have a hard time living like this!

These pics were taken 2-28-08 in Jesse’s Run in Calhoun County WV. This is AFTER the highway department put one load of rock on the road.

Anyone is welcome to post links to other WV Roads photos here. We’ll feature the best of the worst.


West Virginia Roads Part 2 – Update 2-27-08

Well, our beloved “Governor” is upset over our hillbilly stigma. Imagine that. But with our roads going straight to hell, it seems like that’s just a distraction to things that are of very real importance. He’s all about supporting the Oil and Gas Barons, the Coal Kings, and anything else that takes what we HAVE and gives it to the rich folks, while sweeping the poor folks aside just like so much mountaintop removal fill-dirt.

There has been a lot of controversy lately regarding the Dept. of Highways in WV. The guys at the top publicly saying everything is just fine and dandy, and claiming that only “extra” or “old” equipment is being sold off, but the guys at the bottom of the totem pole see it a bit differently. Anyone not familiar with life in rural WV would think that it’s all just a matter of differing opinions. But NOT SO.

First of all, from the archives, a bit of history on the West Virginia roads, from 30 years ago up to the present.

Well now, here is what the actual PEOPLE who LIVE on these roads are dealing with as of February 27th, 2008.


To be fair, I will say that these pictures were taken over a week ago and the road in question is now MUCH worse, having been made worse in part by the highway department’s scattering of large crushed limestone rock here and there on top of the mud. As of today (Feb. 27) the car-eating potholes are still growing, as are the high centers. Residents are using their cars as grader blades and rollers. Notice there are no ditches. The ditches have not been cleaned out in years, and so the water just runs down the road. By the time the water makes it to the bottom of the hill, it’s running into people’s driveways and thru their yards and cutting out the shoulders of the road. Most of the culverts are doing nothing at all…

The nice man on the phone from Charleston, after agreeing the roads needed work, said they didn’t have enough equipment. “Down to one backhoe”, he said. “Then again, were having trouble getting rock. The supplier’s not keeping up.” And “They have to travel a long distance to get it here”. And of course the weather conditions are hampering them. They have to work “in between snow storms”, and “all the dirt roads in the county are in the same condition”, so “whenever they can work it into their schedule…”

Well, thank heavens. Because they don’t actually USE backhoes to clean out the ditches anyhow… Of course if you are from Up North you realize that DURING the snow storms is WHEN the road crews are usually WORKING…..
Is it possible that the maintainance of these county roads might just fall into the hands of the people who live on them? Just a thought. We can get the gravel out of the creek. Use the farm tractor to ditch and scrape. Everybody chip in. Hey, it’s something for us deformed hillbillies to do to keep us from eatin’ folks…

Published in: on February 27, 2008 at 8:18 pm  Comments (4)  

Ron Paul Has The Most Support From Military

People say they won’t vote for him because he “doesn’t have a chance.” But how is someone supposed to have a chance if people won’t vote for him? That’s a great big DUH…

Well, for someone who “doesn’t have a chance”, he seems to be making an impression on SOME people.


Ron Paul Is Beating McCain By 192 Votes In Nevada

Connie Talk
Monday February 18, 2008

Ron Paul is winning the state of Nevada.  With 1,750 of Nevada’s 1,789 precincts reporting, the results of which are available Nevada GOP’s websiteMitt Romney would have taken the state at 51%, but has since dropped out of the race, making Ron Paul’s 13% currently the winner.  Ron Paul has 5,802 votes; 192 more than John McCain’s 5,610, and 5% more than Mike Huckabee’s 3,519.

Here is a list of reasons I’ve heard from both Republican voters and on-the-fence voters – from he doesn’t have enough support, to people aren’t interested in him, to people aren’t voting for him – followed up with facts.  Au contraire, mon frère!

“He doesn’t have enough support.”
Ron Paul has 1,613 meetup groups in 1,191 cities.
Mike Huckabee has 508 meetup groups in 444 cities.
John McCain has 8 meetup groups in 8 cities.

“People aren’t interested in him.”
Ron Paul consistently (and substantially) outranked both of his GOP competitors – Mike Huckabee and John McCain – in Google searches in the last 12 months.  Google is the #1 search engine in the world (though the link above just measures the U.S., for purposed of who may be qualified to vote).


“His campaign won’t have enough money.”
In the last quarter of 2007, Ron Paul beat his own fundraising record of $4.3 million in 24 hours, and made national history with the highest fundraising amount in one day in the U.S. presidential race, ever:  $6 million in 24 hours.

“He can’t fix the economy.”
Whether or not you agree with his ideas on how to revive America’s economy, there is no question on the fact that Ron Paul is the only candidate of the Republican and Democratic parties left in the race whose campaign has $0 in debts to any company or individual.  Look at the debts column.  Paul leads by example when he preaches on not borrowing what we don’t have.

“He hasn’t won any states.”
Ron Paul took 1st place in Montana, and 2nd place in Alaska, North Dakota, and Louisiana thusfar.  Many of the primary and caucus results for the states that have voted already are incomplete or not yet available, and what many people are assuming is fact are just projections by the media.

“I don’t know enough about him.”
You watch too much television, then.

Alright, that last one was a joke…sort of.

2/18/08 UPDATE:  100% of the precincts have now reported. Ron Paul won at 14% of the vote (6,084); McCain was 2nd place at 13%; Huckabee at 8%. As of right now, the results page is stating “last updated” on January 19th at 7:00 pm; this must be a misprint, as the data reflected 97.8% of the vote being in yesterday (2/17/08), and then was updated before midnight to reflect 100%.

West Virginia, Home of the Most Medicated?


OK, so we have one of the lowest Crime Rates, but one of the highest prisoner per capita rates. One of the highest unemployment and poverty rates, one of the worst systems in place for the mentally ill, but we’re one of the highest in prescription meds. Yet, when a pharmaceutical company finally gets SUED, a heap of the money goes to the STATE POLICE. Our jails are full of “drug offenders”, nearly 90%. Our tourist attractions are either closing or being sold to foreigners and our state is happily being raped by oil and gas and coal companies which take the money out of state. There is something really out of whack here!