Full Moon Rainbow Potlucks In WV

There will be a full moon Rainbow potluck every month at Rainbeau Weaver’s home in Richwood WV. Here is the  info that Rainbau Weaver e-mailed us:

We will probably have the first Rainbow Fullmoon potluck at our house Sunday, September 23 in the woods behind 23 East Cranberry Street, Richwood, WV, 26261.  You just go up the hill on Oakford from Main(at the only stoplight in town) go two blocks up and take a right on Cranberrry Street.  We will start at 5pm and go till midnight.  Please stress on the invite, that this is a completely alcohol-free event.


So, Would You Vote For This Guy?

Governor Manchin – WV –  In a nutshell. “I’ll support your wish to rape the population YOUR way if you’ll support MY wish to rape the population MY way.” Do you REALLY want someone with morals that low for YOUR governor?

Thanks to the Hurherald for this enlightening story:


By Bob Weaver

A bill that will affect the royalty payments to tens of thousands of West Virginia’s when gas producers drill on their property is expected to be introduced early today as a special session of the WV legislature opens.

Political insiders say Gov. Manchin is offering a trade-off.

He will reportedly support a bill that would allow law enforcement to enter private residences without a search warrant using a “wire,” if legislators support his bill to allow gas producers to deduct post-production expenses against royalty holders interests.

The WV Supreme Court ruled the current method of using a “wire” generally to catch drug dealers, was not constitutional without a search warrant.

Few royalty holders are aware of the fast track legislation, which was not made public until last Friday.

Manchin is asking legislators to protect big natural gas and oil drillers from lawsuits like the $404 million suit in Roane County that favored state royalty holders.

The royalty holders claimed they were being ripped off by Chesapeake Energy and other producers.

Manchin’s proposal would allow the big firms to charge for post-production costs of getting the natural gas to a pipeline and any preparatory items.

Holders groups have said the “giving away” of royalty gas and water rights held by state residents is the final surrender to the corporate extractors.

The corporations have been deducting post-production expenses from the “sacred” rights long-held by royalty holders in the Mountain State.

Manchin wants to make it legal.

It is unclear who will represent the state’s royalty holders at the session, if anyone.

Published in: on August 21, 2007 at 1:59 am  Comments (1)  

Forced Equality-Are “All Men Created Equal”?

Lets get down to basics. Here is the single biggest mistake in our history which is helping to cause our downfall as a human race. But first, I assume we are in agreement that every single person on earth SHOULD have the same basic human rights. Even tho that is a very simple concept and the basis for any successful civilization, we cannot seem to figure out how to go about it. We ALL have the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. These are not just some fancy words, so THINK about what they mean. We should ALL have the right to be free to live as we wish and do that which makes us happy, without interference, as long as we harm no one else who also is trying to live freely and happily without interference. Intelligence or lack thereof shouldn’t matter, neither should color of skin or handicaps or sex or wealth or culture or any of the other differences we all have. But it is a mistake to say that “all men (and women) are created equal”, because they are not. This statement of “fact” has caused more misunderstanding and more trouble than any other, and trying to live up to this noble ideal has played havoc with an otherwise perfectly good existence.

Each of us is born with a mind. Every mind is as individual as the slant of your eyes or the turn of your nose, or the shape of your big toe. And each persons mind is ultimately responsible for how we perceive our world and live our lives. There are a myriad of personalities and opinions, experiences and intelligence levels. We are equal in so far as we are all differing individuals. We are as equal as the rocks are in a stream. All made of the same stuff, but every one different. But those differences we all share are not the inequality I am referring to.

What I am speaking of is this. There seem to be TWO basic and completely different types of humans on earth, and no matter how many fancy and high sounding things we are told, no matter how many laws and rules and medications we are fed, no matter how “smart” or educated we are, this is not going to change any time soon, equality be damned. There is one kind of person who is what I will call the “live and let live” type. This is the guy who gets along with most everybody as long as they don’t cause him too much trouble. They tend to live with a minimal interference in others lives. I believe that these people are actually in the majority. On the road where I live I can safely say that almost all the neighbors are pretty easy to get along with, about 90% or so, peacefully coexisting with minimal problems. And this is a road, by the way, which is claimed to have a “bad reputation” by the OTHER type of human I’ll call…

…the “Controller”. This is the guy who can not be satisfied unless he has control of things, people, events, whatever. This person either feels the need to be “in charge” himself, or, he feels totally incapable of being “in charge”, and so needs to have someone else be “in charge” in order to feel safe. He probably sees the world as a big scary place full of stupid and ugly humans who surely can’t be allowed to think for themselves… Altho these controlling people appear to be in the minority, by their nature of needing “control”, they end up inflicting their opinions, force, and fear upon others relentlessly, and so their smaller numbers are ultimately felt in a very big way.

Ever since the false statement was made that “all men are created equal”, these controllers have worked particularly long and hard to discover how to force everyone to live up to their idea of what “equal” is. We are legislated to death in a effort to force “equality”. We are jailed, manipulated, lied to, and medicated with all manner of “legal” psychoactive substances designed to make us more “normal” in the eyes of this minority. And these methods of controlling us and forcing us to be “equal” continue to spiral OUT of control into infinity, because no matter how hard the controllers try, they CAN NOT FORCE US ALL TO BE EQUAL. It is against human nature. It is against ANY nature.

I think that the moment it was declared that “all men are created equal” was the moment when the “American Dream” first started falling apart. Force-feeding “equality” between men and women has helped to destroy alot of good old fashioned family values that may be old fashioned, but they worked WELL. Forced integration in the 60’s became a violent nightmare at that time, and looking back, has been more or less a failure in the long run as well. Changing people’s cultures by force has always had less than desirable results, inevitably causing hostility, war, and rebelliousness. It is quite possible that in a less manipulated environment, we would celebrate our differences and learn how to get along just fine without outside interference. We would not EXPECT everyone to be equal, therefore we could RESPECT and ENJOY the many different cultures and lifestyles that exist. We would be more accepting of our differences if we were not forced to believe that we needed to all be the same. For the “live and let live” person this comes quite naturally. But the “controllers” cannot allow that to happen. They must manipulate and legislate, they must force someone to comply with their rules. They can not allow room for alternatives. Why? Because the controllers are actually pretty fearful people. And people who are afraid have a way of doing and saying some pretty dumb things.

Controllers tend to be afraid of things that are “different” from what they are “used to”. Afraid of “disorder” in their lives. Scared that if there were not a million laws and enforcers to keep people “in control” that somehow something horrible will certainly happen. They sometimes have pretty severe reactions to ideas and opinions that differ from their own, even to the point of complete absurdity. These people doggedly cling to “God and country and mom and apple pie and the law” as if their lives and the lives of all their children, and their children’s children depended on it. Even tho their numbers are less now than in the past, their power to totally disarrange the natural order of things has grown stronger over time. Years ago these people were referred to as the “status quo”. These days they might be referred to as “sheeple” or “ostriches with heads in the sand” or “neo-cons” or “the authorities”… There used to be a popular bumper sticker that said “question authority”. Now days if you “question authority” too much the “controllers” might end up labeling you a “terrorist” and send you off to be tortured…

We need to completely erase the “all men are created equal” concept from our mental storage banks and go back to square one. Certainly ALL people should be treated as equally as possible and all should have the same basic rights, but even these SIMPLE things are so far out of reach for the majority that it will require our full concentration to bring them about at all. In trying so hard to FORCE an unnatural equality that does not exist, we are losing sight of the original concept of basic human rights altogether. Why can we not simply accept the natural differences in people without trying to force them all into lines and boxes, or even worse, force them to be just like “us”? Why can we not simply go back to truth and reality before our minds got so cluttered up with this notion that we all must be “equal” at any cost? What is there, REALLY, to be afraid of?

Published in: on August 21, 2007 at 1:51 am  Leave a Comment  

WVSP Troopers & Citizens for WVSP Administration Change

Created by Bad Boy on 23 July 2007 @ 11:18:00 PM

After reading the comments posted in the blog on http://www.wsaz.com/news/headlines/8587177.html, there is great concern among Troopers, former Troopers, and Citizens that there is a need for change in the WVSP Administration.

Morale is low, one of their own recently committed suicide, and most are afraid of reprimands if they speak out against the administration.

This petition is three-fold.

1) We, the signers, ask Governor Manchin to request an outside agency, the FBI, look into the death of Trooper Marlo Gonzales, the cause of death and events leading up to his death.

2) We, the signers, ask Governor Manchin to allow any and all Troopers to file an anonymous complaint, supplying facts and documentation, for review by an outside review board or committee to review all complaints against the WVSP Administration. If anonymity can not be granted, we ask that the Governor ensure that no action will be taken against any Trooper filing a complaint by the administration.

3) An immediate removal of the current Colonel.

Examples of current administration failures:

A) Col. Lemmon states to in-service class that anyone who has a grievance with the Department can file it from the unemployment line.

B) A secret brotherhood within the Administration called F.O.L.D. If you’re not in it, you’re against it and will be punished for it.

C) A Trooper of the Year who quits the department.

D) Trooper’s who do not take promotions because they don’t want to work with the current administration.

E) The current attrition rate.

F) Only certain Troopers get overtime, while others get none.

G) The punishment of a State Trooper who was defending himself against another State Trooper who admitted to trying to kill the Trooper who was punished.

H) Detachment Commanders and others in the Administration who don’t care about Policy and Procedure and make up their own.

I) Failure by the Administration to follow proper policy and procedures when dealing with transfer requests, vacation requests, no paid over-time – just take “a day off” on the books, and in its administration of punishment.

J) Allegations of racial prejudice

K) Failure of promotional system, a Trooper who tests high doesn’t get offered the spot and is repeatedly passed over for promotion while someone else very low on the list is promoted. aka “The Good Ol’ Boy System”

Sign this petition at: http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/WVSP

Published in: on August 16, 2007 at 2:19 pm  Leave a Comment  

Grading the States 2006: West Virginia Mental Health Care

 Reprinted from http://www.nami.org/

West Virginia, already plagued by a host of geographic and demographic impediments to effective treatment for mental illness, faces an uphill battle against emerging policies that may further threaten care in the state.

Dead last. That’s the bottom line for the state of West Virginia when it comes to per capita expenditures of state-directed mental health services (SAMHSA, 2001). In the aggregate measurement, it is just as bad. The   state ranked 50th in total state-funded expenditures the same year, despite the fact that the state is 37th in total population (US Census, 2000). The state of mental healthcare in West Virginia is so daunting that a mental health provider told NAMI that “this is the worst time for behavioral healthcare [in West Virginia] in the past 25 years.”

It was in 2001 that the state emerged from the Hartley Consent Decree, a 1981 action brought by four residents of Huntington Hospital. The consent decree required federal supervision of West Virginia’s Human Services Agency’s part in providing consumers with constitutionally obligated behavioral healthcare.

In celebrating the exit from the decree, the West Virginia Behavioral Health Providers Association suggested that the pivotal issue of Hartley was “whether or not the state could support these people through alternative funding and support systems like Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) or Medicaid community-focused treatment teams.” If this measure was the central point, then the state has failed miserably. As of 2005, the state lists only two operational teams for the entire state of West Virginia.

West Virginia still approaches behavioral health services without understanding the importance of holistic planning. The state has failed to learn from Hartley, and continues to develop services without adopting a coordinated approach based upon constituent needs and data evaluation. Advocates continue to push for coordinated planning and are advocating legislation to that effect in 2006.

For citizens of West Virginia, the challenges are daunting. The predominantly rural state ranks 48th in per capita income. Citizens with mental illnesses face a potential uphill battle in an environment with low provider availability, a significant community stigma regarding mental illness, a high rate of substance abuse, and a suicide rate that ranks 8th nationally. The road to restoring the state’s mental health system will be adifficult one. Based upon the priorities of current state leadership, the outlook is not good.

Among the serious challenges the state faces are:

Evidence-based practices – evidence-based practices other than ACT fare just as poorly. Measured against states with over 30 counties, practices such as supported housing, supported employment, and integrated dual-diagnosis treatment are scarce. While West Virginia has 55 counties, the most significant penetration achieved by any evidence-based service – supported employment – is six counties. This dispersion of programs suggests there is little access to proven supportive services for people living with mental illness in West Virginia.

Funding – While 90 percent of net patient revenue for community mental health centers in West Virginia is provided by Medicaid, the state legislature in 2005 underfunded Medicaid by $30 million. This resulted in a system loss of over $115 million – including federal contributions through Medicaid – through cuts to provider reimbursements. As a result, mental health consumers were affected by reduced provider availability and reduced services. And the impact of provider rate cuts piled on an estimated reduction of $31 million over three years when the state implemented Medicaid managed care and reduced outlays in support of clinic services, rehabilitation, and targeted case management.

Medications – The state legislature, executive leadership, and Medicaid advisory bodies have rebutted numerous attempts by advocates and provider organizations to overturn restrictive policies that minimize access to needed psychotropic medications. Two pieces of legislation have been introduced in 2006 to address this shortcoming in the state Medicaid program (HB 2046 and HB 2216).

Medicaid – West Virginia recently has stated its intent to make significant modifications to its Medicaid program. The basis of the proposal includes commitment to personal responsibility and greater cost-sharing. For consumers categorically eligible for Medicaid due to disability, early drafts of the plan suggest a broad benefit design with an emphasis on disease management. However, the proposal also seeks consumer-driven care authority which would reward “preferred behaviors” (West Virginia Comprehensive Medicaid Redesign Proposal, May 2005). This poses many risks for people living with mental illness. Consumers might choose to ignore psychiatric symptoms and avoid emergency treatment due to the higher co-pays assigned to emergency department care. Or, recipients might choose less effective medications due to co-pay structures that penalize recipients for using certain branded medications – even when the more expensive medicines are more effective for a given patient.

Housing – Housing currently is monitored on a regional level without the state having direct oversight or planning authority for identification of public housing opportunities. The availability of housing and levels of supported housing vary widely across the state (State response to NAMI survey).

Still, there are positive signs for the state as it goes forward:

Openness – The Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities does deserve credit for attempts to bring consumers and family members to the table for future decision making and planning. Support is evident for family and peer education from the Bureau. Additionally, the state employs external advocates at both state-operated hospitals to monitor conditions. These examples are promising and must be applied to the entire mental health system if the state is going to reverse its current course.

Diversion – The state’s law enforcement community is directly aware of the consequences of untreated mental illness. In 2005, more than 40 law enforcement representatives attended a summit on developing pre- and post-arrest jail diversion strategies. The meeting is a potential starting point for the state to adopt proven diversion programs; however, there has been little progress made since the initial meeting. This meeting follows on the heels of the state’s Healthy People 2010 report. The report suggests that the state is working to reduce the number of individuals jailed for minor offenses due to psychiatric conditions by 10 percent by 2010. In 2000, 543 people met those criteria. The 2010 report also calls for all West Virginia State Police Academy graduates to have 40 hours of training in mental health issues, far more then the current four hours. A review of the curriculum posted on the Police Academy website suggests these changes have not been incorporated.

Staffing – West Virginia also deserves accolades for taking reasonable first steps to address the state’s chronic shortage of mental health professionals. Using Rural Health Education Partnerships, the state has successfully implemented mental health-specific modules into medical student rotations. This effort is noteworthy in light of state research that shows a majority of West Virginians living with mental illness seek treatment through general practitioners.

There are several important steps West Virginia can take to improve the state’s mental health system:

* West Virginia state leaders must challenge local and county officials to operationalize the lessons learned from a 2005 summit on pre-and post -arrest jail diversion.
* West Virginia must expand implementation of evidence-based practices far beyond its currently sparse distribution across the state.
* West Virginia must adopt a coordinated planning approach based upon constituent needs and data evaluation.
* West Virginia must ensure that any newly crafted Medicaid program does not include pay structures that cause those with mental illnesses to choose not to seek treatment or appropriate medications.

Published in: on August 16, 2007 at 2:15 pm  Comments (1)