Update on High Voltage Power Line Protest

I received this email yesterday regarding the proposed high voltage power lines.

Things are looking up.

“I just came from the Calhoun County Commission meeting.  The
Commissioners unanimously passed our resolution as submitted.  They all
appeared to support us without reservation, based on their comments and
questions.  There was no hesitation in the vote.  The county development
specialist also reported that the state development board, on which she
sits, was unable to come to any conclusion about the line because the
board was so divided.  They had decided to take no position on PATH as a
result.  She said that she had never seen such a hotly debated topic at
their meeting.

I will be giving the County Clerk information about the PSC for him to
submit a letter to the PATH case.


Our new landscape?

How would you like to have THIS running thru Calhoun County?How would you like to have THIS running thru Calhoun County?

Plans are officially in progress for a public meeting/musical event which will be to entertain as well as educate the community about the proposed power lines. Tentative plans include a bluegrass band and a rock band, speakers, informational literature, and a petition to sign. Please stay tuned.