6-29-07 State Police Causing More Trouble

Once again in the news. The MOST infamous State Trooper of Calhoun County, along with his  sidekick J.M. answered a domestic violence call on 6-29. Being no stranger to the individuals living there, who have called the police numerous times on each other as well as many people unfortunate enough to be associated with them, the officers were fully aware of ongoing problems in the household.

One would expect that when police are called for domestic violence, their ultimate duty would be to defuse the situation. But running true to form, Mr. State Trooper did everything he could to instigate even more trouble by making false and damning accusations about the individual that the fight got started over to begin with.

Take away the uniform, the badge, the gun, and all that is left is a vindictive, evil gossip, whose every motive is to “stir shit” between people already having trouble getting along. Certainly this has all the earmarks of a job security tactic employed to insure that there will be future domestic violence calls relating to these same individuals. In other words, a great way to keep your nose planted firmly up someone’s behind while appearing to be “doing your job”.

Unfortunately, these types of unprofessional tactics are common practice, and the end result can and sometimes does lead to serious trouble. Is the creation  and instigation of dangerous situations among the population part of the State Police’s job description?

If you thought the State Police were here to “protect and serve” you were seriously wrong.

Largest Prison Inmate Increase Since 2000

People Incarcerated In U.S. Prisons And Jails Number 1.6 Million; 6 In 10 Are Hispanic Or Black

“Once again, communities of color are paying for our troubled criminal justice policies.”
Jason Ziedenberg, executive director of the Justice Policy Institute

(AP) Prisons and jails added more than 42,000 inmates last year, the largest increase since 2000.

The total number of people incarcerated by federal or state authorities in the year ending June 30, 2006, was roughly 1.6 million, the government said Wednesday. That translated to a 2.8 percent increase from the previous year, due to people being put in prison at a faster rate than those released.

Overall, the total number of people behind bars, including those held in local jails, was more than 2.2 million, according to the Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Forty-two states and the federal system reported increases, with the largest jumps in Idaho (13.7 percent), Alaska (9.4 percent) and Vermont (8.3 percent). Eight states had declines, led by Missouri (down 2.9 percent), and Louisiana and Maine (both down 1.8 percent).

The number of federal prisoners increased by 3.6 percent to reach 191,080.

Nearly 6 out 10 people behind bars nationwide were black or Hispanic.

“Once again, communities of color are paying for our troubled criminal justice policies,” said Jason Ziedenberg, executive director of the Justice Policy Institute. “The population increase in the already overburdened prison system indicates an alarming growth that should not go unchecked.”


Fun With the Cops – Summer League Basketball


Word  has it that the most recent game of Summer League Basketball in Spencer WV ended in a “smashing” defeat for “Team Police”, both City and State, with a score of 48 – 37. Winners in what ended up being a full contact sport between rivals were a team comprised of local young (and mostly underage) “Heads” from Spencer and surrounding area. It was a fast and furious game which included much pushing, shoving  and face kicking. Most likely the winners went home and burned one in celebration, while the “Cops” are allegedly “out” for the rest of the season. Congratulations guys! Good win.

Published in: on June 28, 2007 at 2:39 am  Comments (1)  

7-25-07 National Rainbow Gathering Info


Word has it that the 2008 Rainbow Gathering will most likely be in Wyoming.

Published in: on June 25, 2007 at 1:50 pm  Comments (4)  

‘This Is Not Right’

‘This Is Not Right’

Jun 18, 2007
By Kevin Reece

DES MOINES – Cecilia Beaman is a 57-year-old grandmother, a principal at Pacific Middle School in Des Moines, and as of Sunday is also a suspected terrorist.

“This is not right,” she told us. It’s not right!”

This past weekend she and several other chaperones took 37 middle school students to a Heritage Festival band competition in California. The trip included two days at Disneyland.

During the stay she made sandwiches for the kids and was careful to pack the knives she used to prepare those sandwiches in her checked luggage. She says she even alerted security screeners that the knives were in her checked bags and they told her that was OK.

But Beaman says she couldn’t find a third knife. It was a 5 1/2 inch bread knife with a rounded tip and a serrated edge. She thought she might have lost or misplaced it during the trip.

On the trip home, screeners with the Transportation Security Administration at Los Angeles International Airport found it deep in the outside pocket of a carry-on cooler. Beaman apologized and told them it was a mistake.

“You’ve committed a felony,” Beaman says a security screener announced. “And you’re considered a terrorist.”

Beaman says she was told her name would go on a terrorist watch-list and that she would have to pay a $500 fine.

“I’m a 57-year-old woman who is taking care of 37 kids,” she told them. “I’m not gonna commit a terrorist act.” Beaman says they took information from her Washington drivers license and confiscated and photographed the knife according to standard operating procedure.

She says screeners refused to give her paperwork or documentation of her violation, documentation of the pending fine, or a copy of the photograph of the knife.

“They said ‘no’ and they said it’s a national security issue. And I said what about my constitutional rights? And they said ‘not at this point … you don’t have any’.”

KOMO News did reach a spokesperson with the Transportation Security Administration for comment. They said they did not have record of Beaman’s confrontation but did admit that TSA screeners are, by design, becoming more strict.

Despite continued warnings to passengers, TSA screeners say travelers continue to bring banned items in their carry-on luggage. Knives, guns, and other weapons are found and confiscated daily.

Fines issued for knives and other sharp objects range from $250 to $1,500. Fines issued for firearms discovered in carry-on luggage range from $1,500 to $7,500.

The TSA web site also indicates firearms violations will be referred for potential criminal prosecution. The same site does not propose the same criminal referral for knives like the one Cecilia Beaman was carrying.

“This is not the way my country should be treating me,” she said. My concern is that if that’s the way they’re treating American citizens I would hate to think how they’re treating other people. It’s crazy.”

The TSA reminds travelers that is has the authority to impose civil penalties up to $10,000 per violation.

“TSA needs the help of the traveling public in reducing the number of prohibited items brought to airport screening checkpoints,” reads the Sanction Guidelines section of the TSA web site. “TSA recognizes that most passengers who carry prohibited items do so without any ill intent. TSA does not impose fines on the vast number of passengers who inadvertently carry prohibited items. Dealing with any prohibited item, however, adds time to the screening process both for the traveler who brought the item and for other travelers as well.”

You can find a complete list of banned items, range of fines levied for violations, and information on how to plead your case with the TSA at http://www.tsa.gov

Not Right