About This Site

Calhoun Underground is an alternative newsletter/blog for Calhoun County and surrounding area. This is the place to learn about activist events, musical happenings,  unpublished and unknown news, and how things work behind the scenes in the county. Calhoun Underground offers a variety of subjects from politics to gossip to flat out science fiction. We encourage discussion of local and state problems and events in the news, opinions and ideas. We are  dedicated to honesty and straight foreward communication. One of our main goals is to bring out the hidden truths about our Police and Justice system that many people may not be aware of. Education is the first step to changing the world for the better. So, lets take that first step together…

Published on January 4, 2007 at 12:13 am  Comments (1)  

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One Comment

  1. The police and the legal system in general are only supervised within their own organisations, and so are only held accountable for their actions by their own groups. A government “of the people, by the people and for the people” should be held accountable by the people. “Public servants” should serve the public. Representatives of “The State” should actually represent the people and not the whims of some individual who may only be representing his own beliefs or the political systems best interests, because without the people there would be no state. Many times, people have attempted to create a civilians review board to help keep tabs on the actions of those “in charge”, but this notion has been rejected over and over again by the very organizations that need to be overseen the most. It is time for the citizens of these poor and persecuted counties to stand up for their rights and oversee these authoritarian agencies, whether they like it or not, and publish the unknown and unseen truths to the best of our abilities. Knowing your rights and educating the masses is our best defense in the ever expanding dictatorship known as the “legal system”.

    That being said, I just want to say to anyone who may be offended by anything on this site, that there are always two or more sides to any issue and I would hope that you will be open minded enough to allow everyone here the right to their opinions. Getting at the truth is the main objective, and some people seem to have different truths than others. To keep a people happy they must have vehicles for expressing themselves and their truths.

    In this busy world where there are so many different things to catch your attention, it becomes easy to forget people, places, things, and events. This collection of articles and storys, sometimes harsh, sometimes humorous, is designed to keep people from forgetting, in hopes of creating a better and happier world for everyone, one small piece at a time.

    Please feel free to post your experiences with the legal system, good or bad, in the appropriate comments section. PLEASE try to keep it clean, truthful, and reasonably respectful.

    It may be the good, the bad, and the ugly, but always the truth.

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